Who are we?
Brande Baptist Church is a Christian church – a spiritual and visible community of people who profess their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and the savior of the whole world.
As professing Christians, we are co-responsible for preaching the Gospel in our immediate surroundings, in our country, and in other parts of the world.
Our mission is to point to Jesus Christ as the source of love, forgiveness, and new life, as God gives us the ability and gifts to serve Him.
Brande Baptist Church wants to be a living church that seeks to grow in faith through prayer and Bible study. We want to be active, rejoicing in and seizing the opportunities for growth that God provides for us. We want to show love for each other and for people in the world around us.
The overall task we are sent to do is to be part of God’s mission to the world, and in order to do so, we must never stop seeking God’s will and guidance in both the church and our personal lives. Prayer and contemplation in the word of God are necessary for us as a church and as individuals to become rooted in Christ and to be used in God’s mission.
We want to be an open church, where there are good growth opportunities for people’s faith in Jesus Christ, where we experience loving care for each other, where we constantly seek new insight into the diversity of the Gospel and together can rejoice in doing God’s work.
Frikirken med plads for alle
Brande baptistkirke er en er selvstændig lokal frikirke, som er tilsluttet Baptistkirken i Danmark og er en kirke for alle.
Her har du nogle nøgleord, som dækker over hvad vi som frikirke står for:
Everyone is also welcome to check out what we do, and can join free of charge.
Peace of mind
You can participate as much as you want, and you can freely leave at any time.
We want to serve God and preach the gospel in an easy-to-understand way so that it can be lived out in our daily life.
Classical Christianity
We stand for classical Christianity in a modern and up-to-date packaging with the content being responsibility, forgiveness, and charity in relation to God and people.